Facial Cleansing – Mechanical, Ultrasonic or Chemical Skin Treatment
Safe and one of the most common cosmetic procedures worldwide.
About Facial Cleansing
Facial cleansing is a reliable and effective method of removing dirt, dead skin cells, cleansing clogged pores, improving skin condition as well as making it smooth and beautiful. Before deciding where to perform this procedure, make sure that the service is only provided by a qualified specialist at a reputable facility.

What Else Should You Know about Facial Cleansing?
Our cosmetology specialists use unique NeoStrata skin care products. The main ingredients of NeoStrata products are glycolic acid, gluconolactone and the NeoHydrosy complex (a mixture of alpha-hydroxy acids). The healing properties of glycolic acid (made from sugar cane) have revolutionized the cosmetic world, especially for teenagers, as it is a powerful remedy for trating juvenile acne.
It is recommended to do at least 5 chemical (acidic) cleansing treatments every 10-14 days. The number and frequency of mechanical and ultrasonic procedures is recommended by the specialist, depending on the individual skin condition (young and non-problematic skin may require only one treatment).
Facial cleansing treatments do not require any preparations beforehand.
If facial cleansing was done professionally, the skin should not develop acne or rashes after the procedure. After redness fades, the skin becomes smoother, healthier, aging processes slow down, the skin looks brighter with less pimples and blackheads.

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Or call us now:
+370 630 50000 Vilnius
+370 630 50000 Kaunas